Maintenance Plans vs. Protection Plans | Part 1: Protection Plans
Attention Cornwall, Ottawa and surrounding area!
3/23/20242 min read

Maintenance Plans vs. Protection Plans | Part 1: Protection Plans
Over the years, the HVAC industry has changed significantly, with shifts in how we perceive and understand the offerings available. This evolution is particularly evident in the comparison between maintenance and protection plans.
Welcome to Part 1 of our series, where we explore the differences between maintenance plans and protection plans in the HVAC industry. In this installment, we'll delve into the intricacies of protection plans, offering insights into what they entail and how they compare to maintenance plans.
What is a Protection Plan?
A protection plan in the HVAC industry is akin to an extended warranty. Similar to the offerings in the car industry, where dealerships often provide additional coverage beyond the manufacturer's warranty, HVAC companies offer protection plans to cover items that may no longer be under warranty.
Typically, a protection plan is offered by the HVAC company, providing coverage for repairs if something breaks. These plans usually cover minor components, offering peace of mind to homeowners.
The Catch
However, as with any seemingly good deal, there are terms and conditions associated with protection plans. It can be tricky to navigate whether a protection plan is worth it, as they may not cover all components of the furnace.
While protection plans can benefit homeowners for minor issues, they may fall short when it comes to costly repairs, such as heat exchangers and ECM motors.
The Cost of Protection Plans Today
Protection plans today are often more expensive than they were in the past. While monthly payment plans may seem convenient, they can end up costing more in the long run compared to annual or lump-sum payment options.
To Be Fair
In reality, it's challenging for HVAC companies to cover expensive components like heat exchangers and ECM motors and remain profitable. The rising cost of HVAC parts in Canada makes it economically unfeasible for companies to cover such expenses.
What's Covered in a HVAC Protection Plan?
Typically, HVAC protection plans cover smaller, more affordable items such as flame sensors, hot surface ignitors, capacitors, gas valves, mainfincals, burners, and control boards. While these components may not break the bank for HVAC companies, they provide essential coverage for homeowners.
Should You Bother with a Protection Plan?
Whether you should invest in a protection plan depends on various factors, including the condition of your furnace and its history of issues. While protection plans may not cover all expenses, they can offer peace of mind and waive labor costs, providing some level of financial protection.
At the end of the day, it's essential to ask questions, read the terms and conditions carefully, and make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.
In Part 1 of our series, we've explored the nuances of protection plans in the HVAC industry. Stay tuned for Part 2, where we'll delve into maintenance plans and provide a comprehensive overview of both options.
Do you offer protection plan services?
If you're considering a protection plan, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be happy to discuss your options and help you find the right protection plan for your needs.
Table of Contents
What is a Protection Plan?
The Catch
The Cost of Protection Plans Today
To Be Fair
What's Covered in a HVAC Protection Plan?
Should You Bother with a Protection Plan?
Do You Offer Protection Plan Services?
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