Furnace Maintenance

The question that many people have here in Cornwall is, 'What is a furnace maintenance?'

Furnace maintenance, essentially a comprehensive inspection and optimization of your heating system, serves as a crucial preventative service to ensure your home in Cornwall remains warm and efficient. Often, homeowners might wait to contact their HVAC provider only when an issue arises. Yet, regular upkeep is vital for any HVAC system. At Quality-Heating.ca we emphasizing the importance of not just reaching out during malfunctions, but being active in preventive malfunctions from occurring in the first place.

What does a furnace maintenance checklist, look for?

There are numerous critical components within your furnace that require attention during a maintenance session, such as the furnace flame sensor, which can be cleaned to prevent malfunction. For example, during a maintenance check, the furnace capacitor's MFD (Microfarad) charge level can be inspected to ensure it is at the recommended level. Capacitors losing their charge could lead to a service call, and unfortunately, this might happen on a Cornwall Christmas Eve, resulting in a no-heat emergency. Burners, Hot Surface Ignitors (HSI), pressure switches, inducer motors, and limits and rollout switches are among the essential items we inspect and check during furnace maintenance.

Schedule Your Furnace Maintenance Service Today

Quality-Heating.ca is not just known for our duct cleanings, but we are speicialit in the commitment of furnace maintinicnes near you to commit to delivering the best quality of sserivce for your. with experience in handling all types of furnace maintenance you can rest assure that we will be very therill in our Job. Contact us today, and schedule your furnace maintenance at your convenience. Remember, it’s important not to skip the annual preventive furnace maintenance as you’ll get more efficiency, better performance, and greater comfort.

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