Maintenance Plans vs. Protection Plans | Part 2: Maintenance Plans
What is a Maintenance Plans?
3/23/20243 min read

Maintenance Plans vs. Protection Plans | Part 2: Maintenance Plans
Introduction: Understanding Maintenance Plans
In our previous post, we delved into the intricacies of protection plans, dissecting what they cover and, perhaps more importantly, what they don't. If you missed that discussion, feel free to catch up by following this link.
Defining Maintenance Plans
Now, let's shift our focus to maintenance plans. What exactly are they?
To be candid, the terminology surrounding maintenance plans has evolved over the years. Once known as protection plans, depending on the HVAC company you engage with, the language might still suggest a variation of a protection plan. However, here in Cornwall, Ontario, at least one HVAC company has rebranded the plan simply as a furnace maintenance agreement. Instead of shelling out nearly $200.00 (taxes included) for a one-time furnace maintenance, you can spread this cost over 12 months.
Understanding Furnace Maintenance
So, what does a furnace maintenance entail?
If you visit our website's furnace maintenance section or click here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of what a furnace maintenance involves. For the purpose of this blog post, let's simplify it: a furnace maintenance is when an HVAC technician tunes up your furnace, conducting a thorough inspection and cleaning.
For just $10.00 a month, you can enjoy this service.
The Rise of Monthly Maintenance Plans
It's evident that many companies are now offering maintenance plans for a monthly fee. Unlike protection plans or HVAC warranty plans, a furnace maintenance plan doesn't cover broken or failing items. However, this doesn't mean HVAC companies aren't offering perks.
Perks of Furnace Maintenance Plans
Let's talk about the perks of a furnace maintenance plan:
It seems that HVAC companies are offering discounts included in your furnace maintenance plan. In the event of an issue, the company may offer to fix the furnace at a 20% discount on select items. That's not a bad deal, if I may say so.
Furthermore, being on a furnace maintenance plan grants you VIP status. If your furnace does break down within the year, you'll receive priority service over those not on the VIP list. Perspective on Furnace Maintenance Plans
Our stance varies depending on the situation. One aspect that gives me pause is the concept of VIP status. In contemporary furnace maintenance plans, there's often little distinction between a customer signing up for routine maintenance and someone calling for a one-time service. Therefore, I grapple with the notion of offering VIP status to those on a maintenance plan but punishing first-time callers with the full price, despite that they are seeking your assistance. Speaking for Quality Heating, our ethos revolves around providing benefits to all our customers, regardless of their subscription status. In fact, if you're a first-time customer, we're committed to ensuring your experience is exceptional. Offering discounts brings us joy because it reflects our foundational belief: every customer deserves to be treated with love and care, irrespective of their payment method. We have a solid biblical philosophy which is simple: we treat all our customers with love and care, irrespective of their payment method.
Reflections on Rising Costs
While I understand the shift towards monthly plans, given the rising costs, I'm wary of the exorbitant prices attached to furnace maintenance. Even a decade ago, I found the prices ranging from $115.00 to $145.00 for a furnace maintenance to be excessive. Fast forward to today, and some HVAC companies in the Cornwall area are charging upwards of $200.00 when taxes are factored in. That's mind-boggling.
Conclusion and Future Insights
At Quality Heating, we charge $100.00 for a furnace maintenance and cleaning. However, we're currently running a promotional deal. If you mention this blog post when scheduling your furnace maintenance, we'll offer you a discount as a token of appreciation for choosing us. We believe in rewarding our new customers, not penalizing them.
While I acknowledge the rising costs, I still find $200.00 for a furnace maintenance to be pushing the boundaries of ethical integrity, even in today's economy.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Understanding Maintenance Plans
Defining Maintenance Plans
Understanding Furnace Maintenance
The Rise of Monthly Maintenance Plans
Perks of Furnace Maintenance Plans
Quality Heating's Perspective
Reflections on Rising Costs
Conclusion and Future Insights
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